About Investing

1 Rate of Return on Investment

Nominal rate of return on investment = one year’s rental income/purchase price of real estate x100
Real rate of return on investment = (one year’s rental income – fees)/(purchase price of real estate + fees incurred during purchase)x100

2 Purchase Process

Completion of information requisition form (clients’ basic information, particular requirements, etc)
Collection and analysis of relevant information items (3 weeks – 1 month)
Provision of information and advice
Arranging for inspection
Negotiation request form
Viewing the actual facilities
Submitting the purchase intent form
Explanation of important notices (Required by law to be conducted by qualified personnel before the official signing of the contract); signing of the contract – 10% signing fee – if the full contract price is to be paid at once, no signing fee shall be paid (except in the case of bank financing)
Notice: The legally required explanation of important notices and signing of the contract has to take place in the offices of the real estate agency.
Loan approval (around 1 month)
Calculation of transfer price and update of registration; transfer of property

3 Bank loan

Should a foreign national require a bank loan, the application would usually be carried out through a Tokyo branch of their home-country bank (domestic banks in Japan generally will not provide loans to foreign nationals), in principle the loan application should be carried out in person (that is, the applicant needs to be present in Japan)
Usual boundaries for the mortgage collateral: In principle, to be located within Tokyo’s 23 wards (some banks will accept locations in Chiba prefecture, Kanagawa prefecture and Saitama prefecture)
Requirements on loan amount: As determined by each bank. Either none in particular, or amounts above 3,500 JPY, etc.
Requirements on floor area, age of building, earthquake resistance, etc: As determined by each bank.
Interest rate: As determined by each bank (usually around 2.5-3%)
Duration of financing: 7 years; 15 years
Required documents: Proof of income, bank statement, home-country tax declarations, information on all real estate properties held locally in home country.

4 Costs incurred during purchase

Property registration and license tax
Land: Price assessed for the Fixed assets tax x 1.5% (to be adjusted to 2% from 1st April 2017 onwards)
Building: Price assessed for the Fixed assets tax x 2%
Deposit: 0.4% of loan price
Property acquisition tax
Land: Price assessed for the Fixed assets tax x 3% (to be adjusted to 4% from 1st April 2018 onwards)
Building: Price assessed for the Fixed assets tax x 3% (4% for non-residential buildings) (to be adjusted to 4% for all building types from 1st April 2018 onwards)
Fixed assets tax and Urban planning tax
Fixed assets tax: Price assessed for the Fixed assets tax x 1.4%
Urban planning tax: Price assessed for the Fixed assets tax x 0.3%
Taxpayer: On January 1st of every year, land and building owners (persons registered on the taxation account book for the Fixed Assets Tax) may choose to pay on an annual or seasonal basis.

The price assessed for the Fixed assets tax is to be registered on the taxation account book
Exceptional tax cuts (Fixed assets tax)
Residential land
Small parcels of residential land (parts thereof up to 200㎡) tax basis x 1/6
Regular residential land (parts thereof above 200㎡) tax basis x 1/3
Limited to an area of up to 10 times the taxable floor area of the building.
(Note 1) If the building is for combined commercial and residential purposes, should the residential area comprise over ½ the area, the entire parcel is regarded as residential land.
(Note 2) An exceptional case is if the land has already been eligible for reduced tax in the period it has comprised a residential dwelling
(Note 3) For collective residences such as condominiums, the determination is made on the basis of calculating the total land area/area of units used for residential purposes.
(Note 4) Not applicable for land under advise for disposition according to policies promoting unoccupied vacancies under the special disposition law
“Parts thereof of up to 120㎡ (of taxable floor space) of newly built residential homes”
“Fixed assets tax reduced by ½ within 3 or 5 years (Buildings newly-constructed before 31st March 2016)”
“Fire-resistant constructions of above 3 floors. Quasi fire resistant residential constructions within 5 years of construction.”
“Regular homes (except the above) within 3 years of construction.”
“Purely residential or combined commercial- and residential-use homes (for combined commercial- and residential-use homes: residential area comprising over 1/2)”
“Units with residential areas of between 50㎡ and 280㎡ in taxable floor area (in the case of residential units for lease, between 40㎡ and 280㎡)”
“Buildings identified as long-term premium residences”
The Fixed assets tax on buildings newly-constructed before 31st March 2016 is reduced by ½ within 5 years. (For condominiums, the Fixed assets tax is reduced by ½ within 7 years)
Special tax cuts (Urban planning tax)
Residential land
Small parcels of residential land (parts thereof up to 200㎡) tax basis x 1/3

Regular residential land (parts thereof above 200㎡) tax basis x 2/3
(Note 1) For collective residences such as condominiums, the determination is made on the basis of calculating the total land area/area of units used for residential purposes.
(Note 2) Not applicable for land under advise for disposition according to policies promoting unoccupied vacancies under the special disposition law
Tax burden of Fixed assets tax and Urban planning tax: Both buyer and seller Relative burden calculated on a per diem basis

Stamp duty
Amount recorded on contract Tax amount
Below 10,000 JPY Exempt
Below 500,000 JPY 200¥
Below 1m JPY 500¥
Below 5m JPY 1,000¥
Below 10m JPY 5,000¥
Below 50m JPY 10,000¥
Below 100m JPY 30,000¥
Below 500m JPY 60,000¥
Below 1bn JPY 160,000¥
Below 5bn JPY 320,000¥
Above 5bn JPY 480,000¥
No record 200¥
Fees for transfer of property registration (Judicial scrivener fees)
Fire and earthquake insurance
Brokerage fee Transfer
Transfer price (excluding sales tax) Brokerage fee
Up to 2m JPY: 5% of transfer price + sales tax (8%)
Above 2m and below 4m JPY: 4% of transfer price + sales tax (8%)
Calculation method: Transfer price x3% + 20,000JPY x 1.08)
Above 4m JPY: 3% of transfer price + sales tax (8%)
Calculation method: Transfer price x 3% + 60,000JPY x 1.08)
Loan processing fees: As determined by each bank

5 Costs incurred when renting out property

Non-negotiable expenses

Fixed assets tax and Urban planning tax
Fixed assets tax: Price assessed for the Fixed assets tax x 1.4%
Urban planning tax: Price assessed for the Fixed assets tax x 0.3%
Fire and earthquake insurance
Property maintenance fees
5% of rental income + sales tax (8%)
Tax agent fees
When the taxpayer is a non-resident, they are obliged to appoint an agent
Annual tax report (tax accountant fees)
Repair expenses
Interests on loan – incurred if using loan
Sales tax – not incurred on residential property
Bank administrative fees on overseas payment
Income tax
Income tax amount=(Rental income – costs)×tax rate—rebate
Reporting period:16th February – 5th March of the following year
Taxes:Property tax、Urban planning tax、Property Registration and License Tax
、Property income tax、Stamp duty、Car tax, etc
Insurance against damage: Fire insurance, earthquake insurance, insurance against damages on rental properties Insurance applies for the current year or part thereof
Depreciation: Fixed depreciation method Depreciation amount=Rental income ×legally-determined durable years
Resale property
Exceeded durable years: Durable years=Legally-determined durable years×0.2
Legally-determined durable years partially depreciated:Durable years=(Legally-determined durable years – years depreciated)+ years depreciated×0.2
Legally-determined durable years:Determined on the basis of the building’s structure There is a special method for calculating the value of depreciation when it is below 300,000JPY
Maintenance fees
Interest on loan: Interest on real estate acquisition loan, interest occurring since the start of the rental period Interest on land acquisition loan (Loan interest payments before the commencement of rental period may count towards property acquisition costs )、if the income received results in a net loss it shall not be considered a cost Interest on loans outside of Japan may be considered as necessary costs if it can be proven that it was incurred as part of the acquisition of real estate, as the relevant regulations do not have restrictions pertaining to the location of the loan, hence the final determination shall be made by the tax bureau
Property maintenance fees
Transport fees(Occurring related to inspection visits and meetings with maintenance company etc Invoice required)
Telecommunication fees (Occurring related to communications with maintenance company etc Invoice required)
Cost of books and newspapers(To collect information on real estate and the economy, etc)
Entertainment expenses(Meal expenses during meetings with the maintenance company, tax accountant, tax agent etc Invoice required)
Cost of supplies(Purchase cost of digital cameras, computers, printers etc needed for the purpose of purchasing and maintaining property)
Cost of engaging tax accountant
Tax agent fees(Non resident)
Overseas bank transfer fees(Non resident) Proof required
Residence tax=(Income—costs)×10%+4,000 JPY Non-residents need not pay tax
Business tax=(Income—costs-rebate-taxpayer rebate)×5%
Relevant towards:Those holding 5 independent buildings and above or 10 rooms and above Non-residents need not pay tax

6 Costs incurred during sale of property

Stamp duty
Amount recorded on contract Tax amount
Below 10,000 JPY Exempt
Below 500,000 JPY 200¥
Below 1m JPY 500¥
Below 5m JPY 1,000¥
Below 10m JPY 5,000¥
Below 50m JPY 10,000¥
Below 100m JPY 30,000¥
Below 500m JPY 60,000¥
Below 1bn JPY 160,000¥
Below 5bn JPY 320,000¥
Above 5bn JPY 480,000¥
No record 200¥
Brokerage fee
Transfer price (excluding sales tax) Brokerage fee
Up to 2m JPY: 5% of transfer price + sales tax (8%)
Above 2m and below 4m JPY: 4% of transfer price + sales tax (8%)
Calculation method: Transfer price x3% + 20,000JPY x 1.08)
Above 4m JPY: 3% of transfer price + sales tax (8%)
Calculation method: Transfer price x 3% + 60,000JPY x 1.08)
Mortgage cancellation registration fees (Judicial scrivener fees) If applicable
Profit tax from transfer
Transfer profit=Sale price-(Purchase price+acquisition costs+transfer costs)
Purchase price:Construction part Amortized costs deducted from purchase price
Acquisition costs:brokerage fees、stamp duty、surveying costs、property registration and license tax、registration fees(judicial scrivener fees)、property income tax、financing guarantee costs etc
Transfer costs:brokerage fees、stamp duty、advertising costs、surveying costs、mortgage cancellation registration fees(judicial scrivener fees)etc
Tax rate:Non resident Income tax(Long term transfer(Period in possession Over 5 years):15% Short term transfer(Period in possession Within 5 years):30%)
Appraisal fee If land was inspected and handed over in person

7 Documents required for purchase

Foreigners with the right to reside
Residence card  ※Foreigners receiving the right to reside in Japan before 9th July 2012 may use a valid proof of residence in place of a residence card
Copy of residence records
Certificate of registered personal seal (valid within 3 months of issuance)
Registered personal seal”
Foreigners residing overseas (No address within Japan) Affidavit
Registered personal seal
Japanese branches or sub-entities (incorporated) of foreign corporations
Business registration book
Certificate of qualification
Certificate of registration of company seal (In case of financing)
ID of registered company representative (passport)
Foreign corporations Affidavit 
Official Company seal  
ID of registered company representative (passport)

8 Documents required during sale

Foreigners with the right to reside
Certificate of registration of transfer of the title deed of the item for sale or notice of registration of distinguishing information
Residence card
Certificate of registered personal seal (valid within 3 months of issuance)
Registered personal seal
Foreigners residing overseas (No address within Japan) Certificate of registration of transfer of the title deed of the item for sale or notice of registration of distinguishing information
Documents in lieu of certificate of registered personal seal
Registered personal seal
Japanese branches or sub-entities (incorporated) of foreign corporations
Business registration book
Certificate of qualification
Certificate of registration of transfer of the title deed of the item for sale or notice of registration of distinguishing information
Certificate of registration of company seal
Official company seal
ID of registered company representative (passport)
Foreign corporations  Affidavit
Certificate of registration of transfer of the title deed of the item for sale or notice of registration of distinguishing information
Documents in lieu of certificate of registered seal
Official company seal
ID of registered company representative (passport)

10 Other

After purchasing real estate in Japan, foreigners must make a declaration to the Ministry of Finance.
Required information from seller
• Certificate of registration of the title deed of the item for sale or notice of registration of distinguishing information
•Residence card
•Certificate of registered personal seal (valid within 3 months of issuance)
•Personal seal
Required information from seller
•Business registration book
•Certificate of qualification
•Certificate of registration of the title deed of the item for sale or notice of registration of distinguishing information
•Certificate of registration of seal
•Company seal
•ID of representative (passport)
●Individual (For foreigners residing overseas, with no permanent address in Japan)
(Necessary documents from buying party)
•Personal seal(Can be unregistered)
※The affidavit should contain the name, date of birth, permanent domicile, current place of residence, identification number, confirmation of personal identity and be certified by a notary in China in order to be valid as documentation for property in Japan. Certification of the authenticity for the affidavit may also be done at the relevant embassies or consulates.
(Necessary documents from selling party)
• Certificate of registration of the title deed of the item for sale or notice